You know what? I hate losing. A lot.
In the last two weeks, I've had 3 soccer games, and 2 volleyball games. ALL of which I have lost.
The crappy thing is, they're team sports, so individually I can't really do all that much.
I definitely get worked up when I'm losing, especially because I try so hard.
It's also just different, considering I'm used to my SLOHS volleyball and
soccer teams, both of which were good.
So its challenging having to adjust to playing with people of different skill levels.
Hopefully, one of these next few weeks I'll get a W.
Losing games just remind me of my last post.
And what I've lost.
You can say I'm doing better.
And by better, I mean filling my time with whatever I can.
Things that keep my mind off of it.
Working out being one of the things.
I've been able to channel it all into pumping iron.
Hopefully in some amount of months I'll look a bit bigger. Ha!
No need to dwell on emotions.
I don't really feel the need to lay whatever else I have out right now.
I feel that reverting to any leftover emotion just intensifies them.
Instead I face it, and switch my train of thought.
Not as if I don't think of it, most obviously I do.
But I have to try as hard as possible not to let it affect me.
So I turn from it.
School is going just fine. I can't believe I'm at the halfway point already. Crazy!
5 page paper from Humanities was brutal, but I punched it in the face.
Midterm for Econ, I kicked that one in the face.
Next up to get dominated, MUS14 and American Politics (Poli Sci might actually beat me).
So, hoping for a smooth next few weeks, but at UCSD, I don't think that's possible.
Spiritually I'm doing well. Cru and bible studies are well, keep me accountable.
Started reading Acts and praying more, but then school started getting incredibly busy.
No excuse though, I've got to keep on it.
I enjoyed it, it was enriching, and just made things more brighter.
Going to try and get back in it this week, and continue that through.
On Friday I had an interview for Hume Lake at Point Loma
(that school has such beautiful women, how I wish UCSD was more like that)
The interview went well, I enjoyed just sharing about my life, my walk, and how much I have loved, and will continue to love Hume.
I will find out in March if I'm one of the 300-400 chosen. I really hope so.
What an amazing summer it would be to work at one of my favorite places.
So as I begin to start week 5.
I'm still striving to look at the bright side.
Whether I feel like waking up or whether I decide to be happy,
The sun is still gonna rise, the world is going to spin.
There's nothing I can do about what has already happened.
But for the things that haven't, I can try for.
Live, love, laugh. That's what I'll try.
Life is meant to be lived.
Not focusing on what is behind, but striving towards what is ahead.
That IS the race that God has prepared for me. (Philippians 3:13-14)
With love and prayer and kind regards.
Hoping your emotions are better than mine.
So tell me, why do I keep holding on?
Why do I keep staring down the barrel of a loaded gun?
Then tell me why can't I just let go?
Somebody knows, then tell me.

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