So, I'm writing, when I probably shouldn't be.
It's finals week this week, therefore I should be cramming my face into the books.
But I've been doing that all day, so I think I deserve a break.
I really don't like finals, but who does?
No one in their right mind would.
It is such a waste of time, spending hours and hours for a huge difficult test in which our lives (grade) depends on. Ugh.
First thing on my mind.
I've been thinking how interesting it is that my last name is Moon.
It's weird to think that I take the last name of father who had no hand in my life.
Don't get me wrong, I love him with all my heart.
I just question how fair that is, say, to my mom (I love you!).
Who raised me single-handedly for my life.
So why is my last name Moon, and not Hall. Interesting, eh?
To lighten up the mood,
I'm counting down the days. I can barely even focus on finals.
5 days until I leave for San Salvador, El Salvador.
God has blessed me so immensely with the opportunity to go on this trip.
It's amazing that God allows opportunities like this in our lives,
where he uses us to reach out to others.
It's absolutely incredible to think that God would use ME to reach out to others.
I am a mere sinner (Romans 3:23), yet he uses me to love others and glorify Him.
It blows my mind when I truly sit and think about it.
What have I done to deserve to show His glory, yet alone deserve his grace and love.
I am a constant failure, but yet His love never ceases.
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
His mercies never come to an end.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness." - Lamentations 3:22-24
No matter how many times I fall on my face, the Lord looks at me with compassion,
Much like a doe's patience with her fawn's inability to stand.
Lovingly He encourages me to continue to stand and try again.
And while trying to stand, He encourages me to jump into El Salvador,
and share the Gospel.
The Lord's grace, love, and care tells me though I fall short, there is power found in the Cross.
"For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philippians 4:13
And now, in the midst of studying my mind to bits,
I am finding strength in God. He knows why He has me going to El Salvador,
And I am anxiously excited to see how the Lord will USE me.
The title of the post, Go Hard, is a song by Lecrae, in which he says:
"Go hard, or go home. Lord use me up"
I want to go hard for Him, and I want Him to use me up.
I can't wait to see how He does in the coming trip.
Nervously pumped. That's my emotion.
Why nervous?
I am leaving the familiar boundaries of my just-getting-accustomed-to college,
and instead of going home for Spring Break,
I'm going into a foreign country, foreign language, and culture.
And I will be sharing, what may be, foreign knowledge; the Gospel.
"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without something preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
- Romans 10:14-17
It's astonishing to read that and not be moved.
That there are people who don't even know they can call out to the wonderful counselor we call Abba Father.
It saddens me, but at the same time, I personally,
don't feel my life-calling being that of a foreign missionary.
However, that doesn't prevent me from being a missionary in my daily life here on college.
And especially, on this trip.
I love the end of the Romans verse, taken from Isaiah 52:7.
The Lord says the feet of those who bring good news are beautiful.
Lecrae, yes again, has a song called Beautiful Feet, in which he says,
"Go, go, go, run with those beautiful feet
Go, go, go
You hold the truth that saves, so run and shout it to the world
They can't believe in something they ain't never heard."
So, I am going to GO HARD with my BEAUTIFUL FEET
Shouting to El Salvadorians the wonderful news of Jesus Christ.
I am excited. I am nervous. I am so blessed.
I would absolutely love if you could pray for me,
Pray that I can encourage. Pray that I grow in Him.
Pray that I do go hard. Pray that he uses me up.
Pray that this trip brings light to a world of darkness. (John 3:18-20!)
My encouragement for you, as I'm encouraged by these verses,
and the opportunity to travel to another country,
is that just because you aren't "on" a missions trip, doesn't mean you aren't in a mission.
The word of God calls us:
To be lights (1 Thess. 5:5)
To glorify Him (1 Chronicles 16:29)
and to share the Gospel (Mark 16:15-16)
To stick with Lecrae for the entirety of the post,
I'll leave you with this, what a heavenly mindset, one that I try to think daily.
"And you can have the money
And you can have the fame
But me I want the Glory
I'm living for the Name
See life is just a picture
I see outside the frame
I'm livin for a Kingdom that I ain't never seen"
Chase that Glory.
Chase God.
Live for Him.
With much love,

I have to admit- when I read the title of this blog entry, I knew it was from Lecrae. So I read it. And your words encouraged me :]
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