

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So I've felt like the older I get.

The faster the weeks go by.
It feels like a day ago, I had four weeks till I leave.
Which has now turned to around two.
It feels as if a week ago, I was running around Hume Lake (tear. tear.)

Which is crazy! Why do weeks go by so fast.
Its like life flashes before your eyes. Its like:
"Well hello Friday. Here's another week gone"
Ah craziness.

And to add on to me "Getting old".
I was playing guitar on the couch today, stood up and my lower back ached.
It still does. Blah. I hope I'm not getting THAT old.

But. In the last few days, I've been reading pages, and pages of How To.
And what for, you might ask?
Logic Pro! Duh.
What is logic pro?
Um. Like my own studio. Of course!
I can record. Create. Do pretty much whatever I want with music I make.
Its pretty darn awesome. Though, its super confusing to learn.
But I will. Eventually.

But I wrote a song a while back.
Needed some "kit" (aka drum) added to it.
Plus bass.
And all the extra jazz.

So I had Casey come in and help me record.
So lately I've also been arranging the song (timing with drums. Guitar. Bass)
And I am SO close to finished. And it sounds pretty darn good too.
I need to add in some powerful oomph from an electric guitar.
But that should be easy.

Anywhoo. I think I'm even MORE obsessed with music.
And am definately going to keep buying equipment, for my own studio (some day!)
First on the list. Two monitors to hook up to the mac (so I can evenly see everything!)

Lately its been awesome to think and talk about discipleship at youth group
(Yes, I am still part of the highschool youth group, I don't want to give it up, yet..)
We've been looking at what it looks like to be a disciple.

To make a long story short (if you want to read exactly what a Talmidim is, its super awesome, read HERE)

Back in the days of Jesus, children would memorize the Old Testament. Special students were chosen to continue study, and then even the few (very few!) of those, were chosen to find Rabbi's to follow. The students were called Talmidim. Disciple. This disciple did EVERYTHING the Rabbi would do. And they would follow in their dust (aka the dust kicked up by walking, no sidewalks!) These students were devoted.

It has been so awesome to think that, we didn't choose to follow Christ,
like these students chose their Rabbi.
Jesus chose us.
How unworthy we are to be His Talmidim. Yet we are called to it by Him.

But the thing I love about it. It isn't easy.
We are called to find joy in every circumstance.
Choose God over our family. Friends. Everything (Luke 14:26)
And deny ourselves. Everything we want. The things we think we should have! (Matt. 16:24-25)

What a calling. It seems so difficult. But I love the fact that I know it is fulfilling and sustaining.
Talmidim. Disciple. I am Christ's Talmidim.
It reminds me of the song.
Talmidim. What a wonderful one indeed.

Here it is. Powerful.


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