What a crazy thing.
I'm still unable to fathom it. Still in the summer-camp-mindset.
Classes started today. The two I had seemed fine.
History of Western Music and Intro to Society were both fine.
Don't seem too hard.
But I'm dreading the fact of actually having to do schoolwork, again.
Blah! Whatever though, I'll get used to it.
Got one class tomorrow, so that should be fine.
The last few days have been rad. Lots of Revellian fun (aka Revelle, my "college") and yeah!
I've made some pretty awesome friends, mostly my suitemates, Monica and Michelle. So thats good :)

So I don't know how to write out how I feel.
Life is different. But its fun.
A lot of movies. A lot of Mario Cart.
Hope all continues to do well.
Fearing the worst. Hoping the best.
Oh college.
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