I'm in a triple.
And at this moment you're like "what?".
Well today I found out my dorm. Room number. Dorm mates. Suite mates.
Oh and the fact that my room is a triple. Aka, three people sleeping in a room the same size as a double.
But, the one dorm mate that I can find on facebook is definately cool.
We're going to get along quite well.
His name is David. He likes volleyball. sports. music. xbox 360.
Yeah its goin to be good.
The other guy is from Alaska. So that should be fun.
I also just got off skyping with Tara. again.
So fun! I definately know that if I were having a terrible day, all I'd need to do is skype her, and I'd be happy.

Also. Tomorrow (or maybe sometime in the next few days),
I'm going to start making my "what I need/what to pack" list for college.
I haven't even thought of it yet. I still have three weeks though.
Which is crazy. Three weeks left in a place I've been for 18 years.
I'll definately have a blog about how crazy that is.
I don't know what to write right now, so I'll leave you with this.
Something I wrote a while back.
Thank You Jesus
I grasp the hammer, that drove the nail.
Covered in sin, in death, in darkness.
I drove it deeper, deeper within
Your frail and tired wrists.
I watch the blood, the sweat,
Drip down your ragged cheek.
The crown of thorns my hand pushed down
Into such an innocent head.
On that tree you hang so limp
Death, murder, lust and hate as well.
You try and pull your wounded self up
With every last gasp and strain.
My actions. My words. My thoughts
Contribute to such agony.
Yet, I continue on with them.
Without apathy.
But here I stand.
Because of you I am free.
No longer bound in chains of sin.
Free from the world and its temptation.
For my continuous part in your suffering.
I thank you for your grace.
I am nothing, yet you bid me.
Thank you Jesus.
Tree of Life
As a seed, you did not know
That soon you would become
The tree that gives me life.
Such a grand tree you grew into.
Flourishing with green,
Tall enough to touch the sky.
Though soon you were cut down.
No longer an admirable beauty.
You became wood.
Hacked, hammered, nailed.
You were put together to create
Carried up the mountain,
On the back of a half-dead bloody man.
Who struggled with every step.
Men pulled you up,
Where once again you could
touch the sky.
You felt the clash of a hammer.
Nails pierced through you.
You felt the weight of a man.
This man bled and struggled.
Oh, on you He was pained
With every shortened breath He took.
You felt Him cease movement.
There he died. Hung so limp.
On the tree that gives me life.
Around you the ground shook.
People hollered, fell to their knees.
It is finished.
Suddenly the weight was pulled off you.
The man no longer attached.
An empty cross.
Forever you are remembered.
You held the perfect man.
Who died for nothing.
On you hung the Savior.
You held a sinless man.
Who died for everyone.
Love yall!
Dannnny boy
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