Not really a smile. More like a growl. But...
Notice a difference?
Why yes. My teeth no longer have metal in them.
What a joy that is!
I got them off today. I've been waiting so long for this.
After a crazy expander. Crazy rubber bands. Jaw surgery. Etc. I am now braces free.
It feels weird. slimy. But so amazing.
Its crazy to think four years ago (January 6, 2006 to be exact) I first stepped into Dr. D's office.
With crazy teeth and an underbite. And now, I have neither.
It's so great.
The one thing I love about it most, is God's hand over all this.
I would not have been able to afford either, if God hadn't been watchin over me.
Dr. D took my case on for free. So did Dr. Bradley (the oral surgeon).
It always gets me to thinking about the sovereignty of God.
How majestic. How wonderful. How BIG He is.
It's so wonderful to trust in Him. I remember the days before jaw surgery.
Before orthodontics. Even today.
I worry about things to come. But if I just look in the mirror.
I can see He has, and will continue to do incredible things.
"Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls them each by name. Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing" -Isaiah 40:26
I mean, the God who puts His hand on my life. Is the same God that calls each star by name. Who makes the sun rise, and fall.
So though I have so much on my mind right now.
So much I'm worrying about.
God is God. He knows what He is doing. When you can't trace His hand, trust His heart.
Congratulations Danual! Lookin' good :]
Congrats on no braces!
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