So this weekend was definately fun. And interesting.

I loved it. I hope many many more come along.
So, I'll start off with Friday night, watched a terrible scary movie called Session 9.
Don't watch it. It's not scary. Nor does it make any sense. BLAH!
But, I felt as if I needed to be redeemed, so I watched Iron Man.
Esteban fell asleep with a priceless face on. Monica as well.
I was the only one watching it. Oh well. :)
So, then I woke up at like 11. Decided to go pull Monica out of bed. Physically.
That was fun. Then we just kind of hung out.
And then decided to go to the mall, and Ice Skate.
Here's where the weekend starts to get fun.
Last time we took bus 30 to the mall.
So we get on bus 30 again, and well.... sit.

Realize its not heading to the mall thats like a 15 minute drive. We don't know where we are going.
Turns out, two hours later, we're in old town San Diego. We get off. Then back on.
After some homeless dudes tells us jokes, and then me learning how
to braid hair, we finally make it to the mall.
So its four. Ice skating ended at 2.
And start at 8 pm again. So. For four hours, we walk around, shop, eat, waste time. Haha.
It finally turned 8, and I finally got to do what i wanted, ice skate.
I really love to ice skate. Its super fun :)

So Saturday turned out well.
Except Monica lost her wallet on the bus! BUT! The bus driver found it, and sent her a facebook message! Thank the Lord! I prayed so much :)
Then today was nice.
Woke up late, hung out.
Went to the beach, beautiful beautiful day.
Then went to the Flood church! (They have four services, one at 8 pm!)
So that was really cool.
The band was good, except its super difficult to follow a female lead singer, they sing SO DARN HIGH! Oh well though, I managed.
I loved the sermon on Ephesians 2. Just knowing who I am now in Christ, its so amazing to be redeemed! I love it.
All in all, good weekend.
I have four classes tomorrow, I hope I manage! Bleh. haha.
Wish me well.
With much love,