Here am I.
Eyes fixed on my computer screen.
Watching the words flash across the screen as my fingers transcribe my mind's ramblings.
Unlike previous times when I have told myself to create for myself an "escape", I sit here now, having established it. From this point on, no thoughts need be retained. They will become burdens to my fingers, until I can sit here, and lay them down. I speak my mind, though many times I shouldn't, but the things I don't speak aloud, will be brought out here.
To initiate my "blog-persona", I must get this off my chest. People, especially Christians, need to stop judging, especially by hearing what kind of music people listen to. However, I can't just point my fingers at everyone else and forget about myself because I too am VERY judging. I don't understand why we do it, but we do. I can say that with certain genre of music, there are people who have created an image for people who listen to it. But for people to assume that everyone who listens to it is like that, they are very very ill-informed.

I listen to Post-Hardcore. Metalcore. Whatever you want to call it. Not metal, not the chug-chug-chug. But post-hardcore. I love it! But the thing that truly upsets me, is the fact that when I'm playing it I'm worried about Christians judging me, I'm worried about people thinking I'm some goth or something. That for some reason, everyone thinks that this music is devil-worshipping music.
"From You, the mighty King of Kings, I learn the word that sustains the weary heart."
Now is that devil-worshipping? Absolutely not. That is clear Biblical lyrics right there! It's crazy how people judge me because of that genre of music. Yes, though I do listen to some non-Christian bands from that genre, almost 75% of my post-hardcore genre are Christian bands! As I Lay Dying, The Devil Wears Prada, For Today, Underoath, Becoming the Archetype, We Came as Romans, and so much more. Its okay to not like this music. But please don't try to label me as something because of my music. You also forget I listen to about every other genre of music also. I must be super gangster too huh? Because I listen to Shai Linne?
I promise you that most of my blog won't be me rambling about something that is a peeve of mine, but there will be times where I must let you know these things, especially, when at times they do hurt me.
If you are interested. Two videos, a simple talking song by For Today, totally God-filled Holy-spirit filled, Jesus praising music, and the second song, another God-filled band We Came As Romans with half and half lyrics. Listen if you dare, even if you have a "hate" against it, I bet God loves it just as much as I do.
Searching Seeking Reaching Always (by We Came As Romans)
Eyes fixed on my computer screen.
Watching the words flash across the screen as my fingers transcribe my mind's ramblings.
Unlike previous times when I have told myself to create for myself an "escape", I sit here now, having established it. From this point on, no thoughts need be retained. They will become burdens to my fingers, until I can sit here, and lay them down. I speak my mind, though many times I shouldn't, but the things I don't speak aloud, will be brought out here.
To initiate my "blog-persona", I must get this off my chest. People, especially Christians, need to stop judging, especially by hearing what kind of music people listen to. However, I can't just point my fingers at everyone else and forget about myself because I too am VERY judging. I don't understand why we do it, but we do. I can say that with certain genre of music, there are people who have created an image for people who listen to it. But for people to assume that everyone who listens to it is like that, they are very very ill-informed.
I listen to Post-Hardcore. Metalcore. Whatever you want to call it. Not metal, not the chug-chug-chug. But post-hardcore. I love it! But the thing that truly upsets me, is the fact that when I'm playing it I'm worried about Christians judging me, I'm worried about people thinking I'm some goth or something. That for some reason, everyone thinks that this music is devil-worshipping music.
"From You, the mighty King of Kings, I learn the word that sustains the weary heart."
Now is that devil-worshipping? Absolutely not. That is clear Biblical lyrics right there! It's crazy how people judge me because of that genre of music. Yes, though I do listen to some non-Christian bands from that genre, almost 75% of my post-hardcore genre are Christian bands! As I Lay Dying, The Devil Wears Prada, For Today, Underoath, Becoming the Archetype, We Came as Romans, and so much more. Its okay to not like this music. But please don't try to label me as something because of my music. You also forget I listen to about every other genre of music also. I must be super gangster too huh? Because I listen to Shai Linne?
I promise you that most of my blog won't be me rambling about something that is a peeve of mine, but there will be times where I must let you know these things, especially, when at times they do hurt me.
If you are interested. Two videos, a simple talking song by For Today, totally God-filled Holy-spirit filled, Jesus praising music, and the second song, another God-filled band We Came As Romans with half and half lyrics. Listen if you dare, even if you have a "hate" against it, I bet God loves it just as much as I do.
Searching Seeking Reaching Always (by We Came As Romans)