So now that I feel like I've finally gotten time to sit and write.
I'm writing.
Its crazy how busy I've been. I swear I thought I'd have more time to write.
I guess it's just the fact that "sitting and writing" is not what I have time for.
I guess it's just I spend that time doing something else.
School is crazy!
It's like you can't even get behind one day.
A fourty-page reading will slowly build into close to a hundred!
I'm enjoying college though.
The one thing I don't enjoy is how much reading I have to do! Way too much.
Oh, and also, midterms are coming up.
Sociology this thursday. Five page paper + midterm the following Monday, and a music final the following Tuesday.
Sounds like a blast!
Oh, also, the teachers don't really tell you what you need to know. Great.
If it's everything, then I'm done for.
Social life is still pretty good.
Found Campus Crusade a couple weeks ago, its called "Real Life" here.
I also got plugged into doing worship there, so that's definately been awesome.
Two things I've prayed over the most, and God has blessed me with.
He is so darn cool!
So meeting new peeps and hanging with them has been awesome.
Also, the FLOODchurch is LEGIT!
The small group on Wednesday that I'm in is also great.
All five of the guys in it I get along with really well
Definately going to be a good small group to be involved with.
Looking forward to growth!
What else to add to catch you up on the past few weeks.
It's like I've had so much on my mind that I want to write.
But when I sit down and write, I can't remember it.
I'm definately missing having a "huge" group of friends.
Missing the fact that I could call them and hang out when bored.
My boredom now consists of "reading ahead" (which is never) or chillin in my dorm room.
1. Because I don't have a lot of people to call
2. Because I don't like to party like "college kids party"
So I'm sitting writing this during some free-time at Fall Retreat for Crusade.
It's nice to get away from UCSD for a bit, and spend time with fellow Christians.
Well I guess this isn't really spending time with them
But ey o ey, I needed some time to finally sit and write, and update WHOEVER reads this thing.
Prayer request:
That this stupid little cold goes away!
Of course I would catch a cold before retreat and before helping lead worship.
But eh, God does everything for a reason.
Another one of those "joy in every circumstance" moments.
I feel as if any other time I would have been fine with getting a little cold.
But God makes all things work together for my good.
Something else.
Watching people play the sign game is absolutely hysterical.
1. Because I totally suck at it
2. Because there are really funny signs
3. And the person in the middle just spins around so confused!
Life is good. Prayer is always needed.
Until I can think of more to write.
I'm peacing out.